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Margin and Cost per point calculations

Margin calculations depend on the type of trading instrument.

  • 1. For instruments listed under the forex pairs tab, margin depends on the leverage of the trading account, base currency, contract size and Margin percentage of the specific trading instrument.

    Margin: lots * Base Currency * contract size / leverage * Margin percentage / 100
    For example: Margin for 1 lot for EUR/JPY at 1:3000 leverage= 1 * 1.2152 * 100000 / 3000 * 100 / 100 = 40.5 USD

  • 2. For instruments listed under the Metals tab, margin depends on the leverage of the trading account, contract size, market price and Margin percentage of the specific trading instrument.

    Margin: lots * contract size * market price / leverage * Margin percentage / 100
    For example: Margin for 1 lot for XAU/USD at 1:3000 leverage= 1 * 1808 * 100 / 3000 * 100 / 100 = 60.26 USD

  • 3. For instruments listed under the tabs: “Energies”, "commodities", “Indices”,“crypto”, “Stocks” margin depends on contract size, market price and Margin percentage of the specific trading instrument.

    Margin: lots * contract size * market price * Margin percentage / 100
    For example: Margin for 0.01 lot for BTC/USD (leverage of the account doesn’t influence the calculations) = 0.01 * 1 * 54380 * 1 / 100 = 5.44 USD

Cost per point calculations

Calculation of price per point depends on contract size, Exchange rate of quote currency to USD and lot. All the calculations below are done for 1 point - minimum size of price movement. There are three main types of rates: Direct rate, Indirect rate and Cross rate based on which Exchange rate is calculated.

1 point value = (1 Point / Exchange rate of quote currency to USD) * Lot * Contract size per Lot (from trading instrument specification)

  • 1. Direct rate - if the USD is in the denominator of the quote (gbp/USD, eur/USD and so on) price per 1 point per 1 lot always will be 1$. As the rate is direct - Exchange rate of quote currency to USD will be always 1: USD/USD = 1.

    Point value for gbp/USD: 1 Lot of gbp/USD: (0,00001 / 1) * 1 * 100,000 = 1 USD

    Point value for xau/USD: 1 Lot of xau/USD: (0,01 / 1) * 1 * 100 = 1 USD

  • 2. Indirect rate -if the USD is in the numerator of the quote (USD/jpy, USD/cad and so on), price per 1 point will be calculated a bit different way, as Exchange rate of quote currency to USD - is the exchange rate of the denominator currency to USD (USD/***)

    Point value for 1 lot of USD/jpy: (0,001 / 104.29) * 1 * 100,000 = 0.96 USD (usd/jpy = 104.29)

  • 3. Cross rates - if the USD not in the denominator and not in the numerator of the quote (EUR/AUD, GBP/JPY, EUR/GBP), price per 1 point will be calculated by a slightly different formula.

    Exchange rate of quote currency to USD: (USD/CAD) = 1.27329
    Point value for 1 lot of gbp/cad: (0,00001 / 1.27329) * 1 * 100,000 = 0.79 USD

    Exchange rate of quote currency to USD: (USD/AUD) - it will be opposite price of AUD/USD = 1/0.75383 = 1.326
    Point value for 1 lot of eur/aud: (0,00001 / 1.326) * 1 * 100,000 = 0.75 USD

Dividends Calendar

In the dividends calendar you can find scheduled dates of dividends charges if you hold sell position, or dividends payouts, if you hold buy position. Amount will be reflected in the commission column of your trading account. Amounts in the table below represent dividends per 1 standard lot.

About Forex Trading

What is Forex Trading?

Forex Trading or commonly known as the foreign exchange market (Forex, FX, or currency market) is a global decentralized or over-the-counter (OTC) market for the trading of currencies. This market determines foreign exchange rates for every currency. It includes all aspects of buying, selling and exchanging currencies at current or determined prices. In terms of trading volume, it is by far the largest market in the world.

Online Forex Trading

Retail foreign exchange trading is a small segment of the larger foreign exchange market where individuals speculate on the exchange rate between different currencies. This segment has developed with the advent of dedicated electronic trading platforms and the internet, which allows individuals to access the global currency markets. In 2016, it was reported that retail foreign exchange trading represented 5.5% of the whole foreign exchange market ($282 billion in daily trading turnover).

Prior to the development of forex trading platforms in the late 90s, forex trading was restricted to large financial institutions. It was the development of the internet, trading software, and forex brokers allowing trading on margin, that started the growth of retail trading. Today, traders are able to trade spot currencies with market makers on margin. This means they need to put down only a small percentage of the trade size and can buy and sell currencies in seconds.

Forex Trading with AximTrade

Client are able to receive access to real-time pricing of the forex market and is quoted buy and sell prices for a number of instruments via our online platform. The client has the freedom to decide at which price they decide to buy or sell, and vice versa, and can execute a transaction at any time they wish when the market is open. They are able to manage their trades as efficiently as they wish

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